Tuesday 18 May 2010

How to Wear The Great Kilt

The Great Kilt or Breacan Freile pronounced "brech’n’fail" is made up using between 3 and 6 yards of double width cloth (54 to 60 inches), fringed at both ends. The Breacan Freile was worn by the Scottish Highlanders as there clothes during the day and blanket by night. As these were undocumented times we can only guess as to how they wore it.

Our best guess is as follows:

1. Put a large leather belt stretched out over the floor or a bed.
2. Lay your length of cloth over your belt so they cross each other.
3. Pleat the Tartan over the belt leaving about 16inches on each side un-pleated to be used as the front aprons.
4. Lie backwards onto the pleated section of the kilt with your knees over the side of the bed.
5. Bring the under apron (right side) over your front.
6. Then bring the front apron (left side) over your front, keeping the hem on both aprons even.
7. Fasten the belt around your middle.
8. Stand Up.
9. The Plaid ( the cloth above the waist) will now hang down over the Kilt to about the middle of your calf.
10. Take each end of the plaid in each hand
11. Bring the two end together at your back and bring the Plaid over your left shoulder.
12. Pin with a Brooch at your shoulder.

Sketch by Pedro of Crieff

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